
The Benefits and Potential Dangers Associated with a Raw Dog Food Diet

What is Raw Dog Feeding?

The phrase “raw dog feeding” refers to the practice of giving your dog food that is both fresh and natural in its preparation, using components that are similar to those it would have eaten in the wild. Raw dog food diets eliminate the need for synthetic mineral and vitamin supplements often added to prepared commercial feeds since the natural nutritional value of the raw components is preserved. Raw dog diets have their own benefits and risks. This blog is an analysis of the benefits and potential risks connected to raw dog food diets.

Benefits and Potential Dangers Associated with a Raw Dog Food Diet

Benefits of Raw Dog Food Diets

  1. Easier digestion

We all know the discomfort that follows after finishing a bag or plate of processed foods. The feeling of being weighed down by your own body, bloated, and drained of energy is the worst kind of feeling that one can experience. Even our canine companions are susceptible to this feeling. The increased starch production and additional carbohydrates from the fillers, which are common in most commercial dog foods, stress their digestive and endocrine system.

  1. Weight management

Obesity in dogs can be avoided by maintaining a healthy digestive system and feeding meals rich in nutritional content.

  1. Reduced allergic reactions

Gluten from wheat and maize and other fillers, colors, and preservatives in kibble are the most common allergens in dogs. Several unpleasant symptoms, which may be costly to treat at the vet, can be avoided if removed.

  1. Increased vitality and endurance

Carbs are fantastic because they offer an immediate rush in energy, but a severe crash usually follows them. Energy levels are more consistent while feeding a protein- and nutrient-dense diet.

  1. Increased resistance to illness

This may sound controversial, but our dogs, just like kids, will benefit in the long run from increased exposure to harmful microorganisms, including viruses, germs, and parasites.

Risks Associated with Raw Dog Food Diets

  • Bacterial contamination

The dangers of eating raw meat stem from the fact that it may contain harmful bacteria like salmonella and E. coli. Your dog’s health might be in jeopardy if you feed it raw meat unless you follow all the rules for handling food.

  • Choking

Bones are a major constituent of raw dog food diets. Bones may choke the dog. Consequently, it is important you cut the bones in appropriate sizes before giving them to your dog.

  • Nutritional Imbalance

Some owners who opt for home production of raw dog food diets may not be able to balance all the needed ingredients since they lack the tools and testing equipment required to determine if a diet includes all the nutrients a dog requires.

We Can Tailor a Healthy Raw Diet for Your Pet

This may sound absurd, but dogs were originally designed for a raw meat diet. This means that a natural raw diet is the most beneficial to a dog’s health. That is why we at Houston Raw Pet Food are dedicated to distributing quality raw diets for cats and dogs. Visit us now, and we’ll help you and your dog make the transition to a raw food diet as smooth as possible.