
5 Skills an Open Water Diver Course Can Teach You

An open water diver course is the perfect opportunity for adventure seekers to explore the underwater world and gain invaluable skills in the process. By completing this course, you’ll become a certified open water diver, allowing you to dive independently with a buddy in various locations worldwide. If you’re curious about open water diving, this article will discuss five essential skills you’ll learn during an open water diver course.

Proper Breathing Techniques

One of the most crucial skills you’ll learn during an open water diver course is proper breathing techniques. Breathing underwater using a regulator is different from breathing on land, and mastering this skill is essential for a safe and enjoyable dive. You’ll learn how to breathe slowly, deeply and continuously through your mouth while diving, which helps conserve air, maintain buoyancy and avoid potential injuries caused by holding your breath.

Equipment Familiarisation & Use

A comprehensive open water diver course will teach you about the various pieces of diving equipment and their correct usage. You’ll learn how to set up, maintain and store your gear, including your buoyancy control device (BCD), regulator, dive computer and more. You’ll also learn how to respond to potential equipment malfunctions and make minor adjustments underwater. Familiarity with your equipment is vital for a safe and enjoyable dive.

Buoyancy Control

Mastering buoyancy control is one of the most important skills you’ll learn during an open water diver course. Proper buoyancy control allows you to maintain a stable depth, conserve energy and protect the underwater environment. During the course, you’ll practice various buoyancy control techniques, such as breathing control, proper weighting and using your BCD. Developing excellent buoyancy control will significantly enhance your diving experience and make you a more skilled and responsible diver.

Underwater Navigation

Being able to navigate underwater is an essential skill for open water divers. During the course, you’ll learn how to use a compass and natural navigation techniques, such as observing underwater landmarks and using the direction of sunlight. You’ll also learn how to estimate distances and time spent underwater, which is crucial for planning and executing a safe dive. Good underwater navigation skills not only ensure a more enjoyable and efficient dive, but can also prevent getting lost or separated from your dive buddy.

Safety & Emergency Procedures

An open water diver course places great emphasis on safety and emergency procedures to prepare you for potential challenges during a dive. You’ll learn essential skills such as buddy checks, air sharing and controlled emergency swimming ascents (CESA). You’ll also be taught how to recognise and respond to various diving-related hazards, such as entanglements, strong currents and low visibility. By mastering these safety skills, you can become a more confident, responsible and self-reliant diver.


An open water diver course equips you with essential skills that will greatly enhance your diving experience and ensure your safety underwater. From proper breathing techniques and equipment use to buoyancy control, underwater navigation and safety procedures, these skills will not only make you a competent open water diver, but can also be beneficial in other aspects of your life.