
Three Tips to Treat a slipped disc at home

A slipped disc may cause pain described as sharp, burning, or radiating through the buttock and down the leg from the lower back (sciatica). For all, pain relief will look different and can require trial and error to see a profit.

Here are three little-known tips to help treat a slipped disc pain and get you feeling better on your way:

Heat and Cold therapy can help alleviate stress and pain in the muscles.

Applying heat or cold therapy to the lower back may relieve muscle pain with a lumbar herniated disc that is usually present. The heat helps break the muscle’s tightness that induces spasms, increases blood flow, and enhances connective tissue elasticity. Cold decreases the local tissue’s temperature that causes an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, thereby reducing pain.

  • In the morning or before stretching/workout, apply heat to your back to minimize muscle tension.
  • Periodically, consider pressing a heating pad or hot compress against your lower back during the day. (To prevent thermal damage, make sure to use a physical buffer like a paper towel).
  • The same procedure can be used with a cold pack for pain relief after stretching, workout or deep tissue massage in Singapore (Make sure to use a physical buffer like a paper towel to avoid thermal injury).
  • Adhesive heat wrap (provides constant, low-level heat for many hours), warm water, or shower at the end of the day provides other forms of heat distribution.

Try many choices to see what works for you best. It is always a matter of personal preference for the sort of heat and how you use it.

Moderate physical activity releases endorphins.

Whilst it might sound counterintuitive, if you have a lumbar herniated disc, remaining active will offer pain relief. The body produces endorphins when you exercise, which can naturally increase your mood and decrease pain perception.

Most individuals with lumbar herniated discs can tolerate activities of low impacts, such as:

  • Walking on a treadmill or outside
  • Using an elliptical coach
  • Biking on a reclining bicycle

You may want to pursue a water-based activity, such as hydrotherapy if your pain is more severe. Water-based operations are also recommended because gravity is counteracted by water buoyancy, and the load-bearing imposed on your spinal discs is decreased. Your health care provider could recommend a dedicated water physical therapy program or swimming.

Herniated disc pain is relieved by such sleep positions.

During the night, pain from a lumbar herniated disc will intensify. In a place that relieves pressure from the spine, you can find comfort in sleeping. A couple of healthy alternatives include:

  • To help alleviate discomfort in the lower back, use a cushion under the knees.
  • To keep your spine straight and hips balanced, lie on your side with a pillow between your knees.

The location of your herniated disc is likely to decide your favourite sleeping position and pillow placement. To see what fits best for you, try a few distinct pillows and positions.