Home Improvement

Rat Infestation: DIY vs Hiring A Rat Exterminator

It is not uncommon to panic if you find a rat in your house. If there is one rat, you can be sure others are hiding around your home. Some people attempt DIY extermination to get rid of the rats; however, there are several reasons why it is better to call a rat exterminator.

#1 Your Family’s Health Could Be At Risk

According to the Center For Disease Control, rats carry disease, and their waste does as well. The longer there are rats in your home, the greater the risk to your family’s health.

There is no guarantee that DIY extermination will rid your home of every rat calling your house home. If you don’t get every rat, your family will still be at risk. A rat exterminator will get every rat, ensuring your family’s health and safety.

#2 Professionals Know the Best Method To Handle the Rat Problem

There are plenty of DIY rat extermination products in stores, and you may not know which is best. A professional rat exterminator will use the most effective method to rid your home of rats. In addition, professionals are highly trained not only on the best methods to remove the rats, but also where the rats could be hiding. A rat exterminator can find the nest and choose the most effective method to rid your home of rats for good.

#3 The Problem Will Be Solved Quickly

If you try to rid your home of rats yourself, it can be a time-consuming project. Just because you were able to take care of a few rats that have made an appearance, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t others in the house.

A rat exterminator will inspect your home looking for nests, droppings, and other evidence of a rat infestation, which will help them get every rat in the house, often in one visit. You want to rid your home of every rat quickly; therefore, you should hire a professional.

#4 Safety

DIY extermination could put your family’s health at greater risk than the rats can. According to the National Pesticide Information Center, DIY rat extermination methods such as poison and traps can be dangerous, particularly for children and pets. If you don’t know what you are doing, the poison can affect your family, and the traps could put them in harm’s way.

Professional exterminators know how to rid your home of rats safely, without putting your family at risk. In addition, a professional will have the necessary safety gear so they won’t put their own health at risk while eliminating the infestation.

#5 Prevention

When the rats in your home have been removed, the rat exterminator can help you prevent another infestation in the future. They can find and seal off any crack or crevice in your home that rats can use as an entry point. They can also set up regular inspections. If the exterminator finds a rat during the inspection, it will be much easier to get rid of a rat or two than a full-blown infestation.

If you have a rat problem in your home, it is better to hire a rat exterminator than make it a DIY project. A professional can rid your home of rats safely and quickly and help prevent future infestation.