
How to Keep Your Pet Safe in Summer

Summer gets too hot, and the adverse effects can also affect pets. Rising temperatures and humidity levels can be very uncomfortable for most pets. This is when reports of pets suffering from heat stroke, dehydration, and other heat-related issues are heard the most. Unfortunately, sometimes a dog may die due to ignorance.

It is even more disturbing that short-nosed breeds are affected the most. As a pet owner, it is important to understand the dangers that may arise with each season. Make sure that the dog is not overdoing the panting as an attempt to cool themselves.

Sometimes, this act can lead to your dog failing to breathe properly. But how does a pet owner prevent this from happening? It all starts by first identifying the symptoms and taking charge immediately.

Common Symptoms of Dehydration

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Increased heart & respiratory rate
  • Excessive panting
  • Excessive drooling
  • Stupor or even collapse
  • Mild to severe weakness
  • Seizures
  • Bloody diarrhea & vomit
  • Elevated body temperatures of over 102.

You should call a vet immediately if your pets experience any of these symptoms. Summers can be brutal and unkind to pets. It is therefore upon you to ensure you monitor your pet’s behavior closely. Any strange changes in behavior should raise an alarm especially if you sense danger. Have your vet on speed dial for quicker response before taking the pet to the vet. Besides that feed your pet properly, preferably on raw pet food to improve its immunity to fight diseases in this season.

Protection and Prevention

The good news is that there is something you can do to protect your pets from the effects of hot summers. These may seem like simple steps, but they make a huge difference in the pet’s life.

  • Invest in a cooling vest and refrigerate a bandana, which you tie around the dog’s neck. This will help keep the pet cool and prevent excessive panting which can easily lead to dehydration.
  • Travel with a bowl and cool bottle everywhere you go. You never know when the pet may need it to cool off.
  • Shave the dog’s fur during summer to minimize its heat retention. Excessive fur is not so great in the summer’s heat and can only be uncomfortable and in some cases attractive to bugs.
  • Freeze pet food
  • Brush cats more often
  • Change your walking schedule and go on walks when it is less

The bottom line is to focus on measures that help to keep the pet cool in the heat of the summer season. Even as you do this, make sure to invest in good quality feeds all through. Consider introducing your pet to raw pet foods. These can be served cold or even frozen, which is great for the summer weather. Get a reliable supplier like Houston Raw Pet Food and choose the type s you think your pet will enjoy. Make your order and have it delivered to you at your convinience. After all, it is the small things we do that make a difference in our pets lives.