
Getting a winter floor mat plan ready.

If your office is in a cold climate, you will need the right kind of entrance mat to combat the challenges that come along with winter. Here are a few helpful tips to help you create an effective and comprehensive winter floor mat plan. However, any specific style you go along with, the floor mats and carpet must be cleaned regularly. If your office is in Johor, check out carpet cleaning, Johor.

The first step to having a practical floor mat and carpet plan is to understand the climate conditions you are up against. In winter, the dust gets replaced by melted snow and slush, which can cause the floors to become very muddy, slippery, dirty, and accident-prone. The salt used to keep sidewalks and roads safe can eat up your carpets and cause irreparable damage to the floor mats.

Winter entrance mat plans

If you have an office building, you know that one single entrance is not enough. You may have multiple entries, and you must protect them all. It will require a combination of thoughtfully placed commercial entrance mats along with the other carpets to prevent any of the winter mess from coming in contact with bare floors. Here are a few different types of math you can look for.

Outdoor commercial entrance mats

The outdoor match act as the first line of defense against winter sludge. Go for sturdy mats which are made explicitly for the outdoors and have scrapers on surfaces. The abrasives present on the surface will peel off the first layer of dirt and moisture from the lower side of the shoes.

Scraper entrance mats

The second level of protection comes as indoor scraper mats. Just like the outdoor commercial entrance mats, the scraper entrance mats also have abrasive services to remove the remaining mud, ice, and snow.

Cotton action Viper mats.

Cotton mats are responsible for removing the excess moisture that is left behind on the shoes of customers and office employees, which the first two mats have not been able to remove. Once the customer or employee passes through this mat, no debris or moisture is left on the shoes to damage the bare floors.

Other things that you must consider

Once you have decided which type of mat you require for the winter plan, a few other factors are there that you must consider before implementing the floor mats.


You need to figure out the location of the floor mats. Technically, floor mats should be placed at all entrances. This will ensure that the dust and sludge are taken care of at the entry-level itself. Only installing the maps will not do. You also need to get them cleaned on a regular basis. Check out floor mat service KL for all your cleaning needs.

Mat quality

This is possibly the most crucial factor in floor mat planning. The quality of the mat you use will make sure that the dirt and dust get removed.