
Dental Care: Common Foods That Can Stain Your Teeth


Did you know that more than 40 million people in the United States use whitening strips to brighten their smiles? 

Everyone wants a perfect smile and one of the biggest indicators of a great smile is how white your teeth are.

If you want to keep your teeth from changing color, there are certain things that you should watch for with your dental care. 

Continue reading to discover some of the most common foods and ingredients that can stain your pearly whites! 


One of the biggest reasons people seek dental care is because they ate berries and their teeth got stained.

Some of the biggest staining culprits are cherries, blackberries, and blueberries. These fruits are tasty and sweet but they aren’t so sweet when they stain your teeth. Fresh berries, syrups, juices, and pie can all cause tooth discoloration. 

During your dental care routine, brush ad floss thoroughly after munching on this refreshing snack. 

The only exception of berries to avoid is strawberries. Strawberries, actually have an ingredient that acts as a tooth whitener, especially when smashed with baking soda. 


Most dental care tips include avoiding coffee or at least monitoring your intake.

Drinking coffee all day long or multiple times a week can start to change your teeth. An ingredient called tannins is responsible for these stains that make your smile appear dull and yellow. 

If you want to avoid coffee stains, try getting a coffee drink that you can consume with a straw. Another way to get rid of and prevent stains is by brushing your teeth after you have some coffee. 

Luckily, coffee stains aren’t typically permanent. Getting a cosmetic teeth whitening procedure will get them back to a bright white. 

Red Wine 

If you care about your oral health and smile, you should avoid drinking red wine.

Red wine, to no surprise, can stain your teeth with one drink. Most people notice that their teeth become blue, purple, or brownish. The acidity, tannin, and natural dyes used in the wine all contribute to your tooth discoloration. 

It is a good idea to get a white wine if you are going to a formal event or on a date. Drinking red wine can stain your teeth without you realized, but everyone else noticed. 

Bring a toothbrush and floss if you plan to drink red wine. After you have a glass or two you can clean off anything that would impact your enamel. 

Tomato Sauce

Have you ever noticed that your teeth have a yellow hue after you eat spaghetti or stew? 

The color pigments in tomato sauce are so powerful that they can stain your teeth. The high acidity can penetrate through your enamel and cause discoloration and erosion. Another reason you need to avoid tomato sauce is that it can make it simpler for other colored foods and beverages to stain your teeth. 

Try switching your recipes to white sauces, lemon zest, or oil and vinegar. These options are less likely to stain and taste just as great! 

Soy Sauce 

Surprisingly, soy sauce is well-known for preserving tooth enamel, which helps keep your teeth white.

Unfortunately, soy sauce is also known for staining teeth. Soy sauce is one of the foods that you will have to monitor your consumption for. If you don’t brush your teeth after having it, you might notice brown or yellowing on the surface of your teeth.

Sushi and Chinese food are the most frequent foods that you likely have soy sauce with. Use this in moderation and try to get lighter options if possible. Most people first start noticing tooth discoloration from soy sauce at the edges of their teeth, going in between with the next. 


If you have ever eaten a beet, you know that some things change in your body.

Beets have such a powerful staining agent that they can make your teeth bright red and your urine hot pink. If you are planning to eat beets in a salad or some other dish, eat them at your discretion. 

It is difficult to remove beet stains on teeth, however, it can be done. People that regularly eat beets have a pinkish hue on their teeth that only goes away with professional whitening. Aside from staining your teeth, beets are highly beneficial to oral health, so don’t skip out on them entirely! 

Balsamic Vinegar 

Two factors make balsamic vinegar a food that will change the color of your teeth. 

The natural color of the vinegar and the high acidity contribute to tooth discoloration. If you have balsamic vinegar with salads or fresh vegetables, you should brush your teeth within 60 minutes of consuming it. 

High levels of acidity can penetrate through the enamel. This allows the natural brown color to stain your teeth. Tannin is responsible for discoloration and most people notice dark stains on the surface of the front teeth. 


Studies have been conducted showing that people who consume soda are more likely to have yellowing teeth.

The acidity and sugars in soda break through the enamel and get to the surface of your teeth. Since soda consists of soda water and syrup, it tends to have a dark or bright color. Red, orange, and purple soda are the worst options to get if you want to avoid discoloration.

Cola, Dr. Pepper, and other darker sodas can also stain teeth. Watch for brown and yellow on your teeth and brush after having a drink. 

Avoid Dental Care by Skipping These Foods 

Many people seek dental care when their teeth become discolored or begin decaying.

If you want to avoid tooth discoloration, there are certain foods that you will need to limit eating or avoid altogether. Don’t worry if you have these foods occasionally. Brushing your teeth and flossing after you have them can prevent discoloration though. 

Since your smile is so important, you should take care of it so that you can feel confident and show your pearly whites. 

Be sure to check out our blog for more articles about dental health and how to look great at all times!